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CobolCloud Compiler Suite®​

CobolCloud is the latest generation of COBOL compiler, built on an open source stack. CobolCloud is created to preserve COBOL, while enabling applications to adapt to the full range of present environments and future emerging technologies.

CobolCloud Workbench®​

CobolCloud Compiler Suite can be configured to work with a wide range of technologies, and provides access to thousands of options developed to reproduce the behavior of an existing COBOL application. To support this technology, CobolCloud provides developers with a powerful Workbench that is adaptable to all of the possibilities offered by the multidirectional API.

CobolCloud Embedded SQL Pre-compiler®

CobolCloud Embedded SQL Pre-compiler (CLDSQL) has been conceived to allow enterprises to preserve their mission-critical COBOL ESQL applications by pre-compiling them without source code modifications and by reproducing the runtime behaviors on which they rely. Architected as a multi-dimensional API, CLDSQL provides the ability to easily swap components in and out and provide access to any data source. Reusable rules and tasks can be directly applied to the programs during the preparation phase without modifying the original COBOL SQL code. Among others, CLDSQL supports PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, and ODBC and is easily extensible to use with other databases.